Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Jazz Game

Scott won a contest at work so we got to go see the Jazz/Suns game. (special thanks to Mark Miller for the night out) This game would determine who would be going to the playoffs.  The tickets were amazing!  We had dinner in the VIP room and then were off to the game.  What an incredible date night out for us!  The game was televised on TNT so Reggie Miller was here announcing it.  He was directly across the floor from us.  Scott and I cheered the Jazz on and were happy with the outcome.  The Jazz are going to the play offs.  GO JAZZ!!!  

Miss Bailey fast asleep
Our little Bailey has been to see the pediatrician several times over the past few months for ear infections.  After being on four different antibiotics they sent us to the ENT specialist.  After looking at X-Ray's of her ears they determined that she needed tubes.  Her surgery was scheduled for Monday the 23rd at Primary Children's in Riverton Hospital.  Hannah went for a sleep over with Grandma and Grandpa.  Miss Bailey got up in the middle of the night and ended up in our bed.  We woke her up and loaded her into the car with her snuggle monkey in tow.  We got to the hospital at 6:40 and were off to the waiting room.  She quickly found the toys and was happy to play while we waited.  I was relieved that she wasn't too ornery since she wasn't able to have anything to eat or drink.
So happy looking at all the toys in the waiting room
Look how cute she is in her hospital outfit
We got her all changed and the nurses did the pre op check.  She wasn't a happy camper with the first nurse that came in.  She didn't want anything to do with him.  She held on tight to her monkey and stayed close to Scott and I.  We were so glad that she relaxed a little and ended up being a good little patient.  She had to wait a little longer but kept entertained with all the fun toys.  She checked out all the  other kids as well.
LOVE this!  
Bailey loved these cars.  She got to ride it around in the waiting room

When it was her turn for surgery they came and got us.  They decided to have us take her to the OR and then they took her from us.  I made Scott pass her off so she wouldn't be sad at me.  We were ensured that three to five breaths and she would be sleeping.  It was a relief to not hear her cry or throw a fit when we left her.  Scott and I didn't have to wait long.  It only took about 10-15 minutes before they came to give us an update.  Everything went well and she was in recovery.  Once she started to wake up they let us go back and see her.  Poor girl was a little groggy.  It was great to hold her and love on her while she woke up.  She came out of it great!  She quickly wanted all the monitors off so she could be down walking and playing.  Dr. Dahl was wonderful and the nurses were all very sweet with her.  We were home just after 10 and she was on the road to recovery.
Snuggling mom and her monkey - Sweet girl!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

This post is jammed packed with pictures. As you will see, we had a great Easter this year.
We started our celebrations with a little Easter egg hunt at my work.
Here are the girls waiting for the hunt to start.
Everyone is ready to start
All of the kids had a good time. There were plenty of eggs for all. I love to see everyone's kids and families. Hannah gathered a ton of eggs. Bailey was perfectly happy with the two that she got....just one for each hand.

Saturday Andrew and Grandma came over to help die eggs with us. Bailey slept through the whole thing but the rest of us had a good time.

Easter day was great. Scott got up early and made us all a good breakfast before church. The girls got to look through their baskets. Bailey just wanted to eat the candy and could have cared less about anything else. Hannah was excited with everything she got.

Yes, they did get to enjoy a little candy first thing in the morning.

After church we came home and got ready for our family dinner and egg hunt. We've done this for the past three years and have a lot of fun each year. We had a nice dinner and then hid the eggs for the little kids. We hide a large egg for each of the "older" kids and made them hunt as well.
Ian - finding all the eggs on the ledge
Hannah was on the look out for some good eggs
Andrew found his first
Hope found hers next
David Ray was on the hunt
Bailey was so proud of her egg
Hannah and her basket full of eggs
Tyler finally found his
Grandma, Bailey, and Aunt Karen (Uncle Mike and Scott in the background)
Tonya (She wasn't really posing..she was pointing out an egg to Ian)
Grandpa in mid sentence
David, Jammie and Hannah
We were happy to have Uncle Daniel and Aunt Karen join us. The girls were tuckered out after everyone left. We gave them a quick bath and they were off to bed. Happy Easter from our little family!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Bunny

This week for FHE we decided that we would take the kids to the mall to see the Easter Bunny. We were next in line and they were having some technical difficulties so the Bunny was so cute and came over to see the girls. Bailey started to freak out. She wasn't impressed at all! Her whole body was shaking...poor girl. Hannah thought it was great though. Bailey sat in her stroller and watched him from a distance. She wanted nothing to do with him.Hannah got to enjoy some good snuggle time with him. They just sat together for a long time while we waited for them to fix the camera. It was pretty cute to see her sitting there.

They never did get it fixed so these are the only pictures we got. Better than nothing! We had some dinner and then went for a carrousel ride. Again, Bailey didn't want anything to do with it. Scott ended up holding her so she wouldn't cry. Hannah loved it and is always one to strike a pose for me.

It was a fun night spent together as a family! We sure have enjoyed having Scott home with us on Monday nights. Hannah looks forward to it each week. This week Hannah was in charge of our lesson. She taught us about obeying while we were in the car driving home. We never know what to expect when she is in charge but she usually doesn't disappoint. I need to start writing down some of the things she tells us.