This week Hannah is the Star Student at school. We got to put together a big poster with pictures of her that is hanging in her class room. She wanted a picture of her when she was a baby, one of her dancing and her school picture from last year. We cut out her name in big letters and put the pictures on. She finished decorating it with stickers. It turned out good. I should have taken a picture of it. Bailey and I got to go to school with her. Hannah talked about the pictures on her poster and then I got to tell the class why Hannah is special in our family. Her class got to ask her questions and she answered all of them. These are a few of the questions and answers that were given.
Q. What is your favorite food?
A. Broccoli
Q. What is your favorite day of the week?
A. Monday
Q. What is your favorite shape?
A. Triangle
Q. What is your favorite holiday?
A. Halloween (must be fresh on her mind)
It was cute to hear all of their questions and how she answered each of them. She got tell them all about Bailey as well. So glad that I could be there with her for this day.
These are some random pictures that show what a fun little girl Hannah is. She makes me laugh all the time. Sure do love this girl!