For FHE we had our lesson on scriptures. I was shocked at how much Hannah knew. She really pays close attention and has learned a lot in primary. I'm so thankful for her teachers that have helped her learn and grow. After our lesson we had a family game of bowling on the Wii.
Miss Bailey thought she was playing with us. She was too happy to actually get to hold a remote.
Hannah loves to bowl on the Wii. She does pretty good! One of these days we will get her out to a real bowling alley. I once told her that the thunder was the people in heaven bowling. She then asked "Mom, do they have Wii's in Heaven???"

Love these two girls!
Scott made us all a pancake breakfast one day. Hannah loves to have the last pancake because it's usually the biggest. She had been telling Scott that she wanted the biggest one and that she would eat it all. My Scott thought he was soo funny and made this HUGE pancake for her. She was so excited when she seen it. She managed to eat about 1/10 of it. Her eyes were bigger than her stomach!
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